弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


The 弗吉尼亚理工大学 Office of 本科招生 must receive the following supporting materials to ensure your application file is complete:

  1. 完成 常见的应用程序 为 international 申请人: The application opens in early August. 最后期限和决策计划 为 international students 是 the same as those of domestic students.
  2. 申请费: A non-refundable fee of $70 为 all international students applying 为 admission must be submitted. Your application will 不 be processed without this fee. 学生 who apply online 是 required to pay the application fee electronically with either a debit or credit card (MasterCard, Visa或Discover).
  3. SAT Reasoning Test or ACT Scores (Optional 为 international 申请人): 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s CEEB code is 5859; the ACT code is 4420. 有关更多详细信息,请参见 需求页面.
  4. 核实英语语言能力: Applicants whose native language is 不 English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Pearson Test 为 English (PTE) or Duolingo English Test, 或者提交另一份被认可的考试或课程. To have your TOEFL score automatically sent to 弗吉尼亚理工大学, please specify 弗吉尼亚理工大学’s CEEB code (5859) on the test 为m. 成绩需要在网上赌博网站十大排行的办公室收到 12月1日提早行动 1月31日 常规的决定. 有关更多详细信息,请参见 需求页面.
  5. 教育信息: International 申请人 may submit a Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) or upload copies of all high school transcripts/marksheets 和 exam results to their applicant 门户网站 or Common App. 是否使用SRAR或上传文档, all coursework 和 exams 为 years 9-11 should be included as well as any in-progress courses or predicted exam results. The deadline to submit the SRAR or all required high school transcripts/mark sheets is 12月1日 提早行动1月31日常规的决定 申请人.
    1. 高中毕业生: 学生 who have completed secondary school or high school at the time of application must submit copies of their diplomas or school leaving certificates 和 final high school transcripts showing grades/exams 为 years 9-12.
    2. 成绩单/标记声明: 这包含了学习课程的记录, 分数(分数), 上课时间长度, 并以最低及格分数为评分标准. These must be submitted 为 upper secondary or high school years 和 must be complete 为 申请人 who have graduated from school. For those 申请人 who 是 still enrolled in school, 成绩单, 或标记声明, must show the most current term of grades to date. The transcript must be an original copy, certified by the sending institution.
    3. 注意: If you have completed all four years of high school in the US, you 是 required to report all coursework/grades 和 test scores on the SRAR at imomoew.com/admissions/srar.
  6. 国际转学申请者 must submit, in addition to those materials already listed, the following educational documents:
    • Official copy of high school record or transcripts. If 不 English, a certified English translation is required.
    • Official copy of college or university transcripts. If 不 English, a certified English translation is required.
    • 注意: 如果你只在美国上过大学, you 是 required to report all college coursework/grades 和 test scores on the SRAR at imomoew.com/admissions/srar.
    • For international students studying outside the United States, a syllabus of each course or subject studied at the university level (including textbook used 和 author) must be submitted. Applications without this in为mation can不 be considered. Graduates of thirteen-year systems must submit syllabi 为 their final year of study.
    • Evaluation of international college/university transcripts by a professional credential evaluation service. Having this done will aid the 招生 Committee 和 the University Registrar. A list of recommended agencies can be found in the application instructions 在这里.
  • Receipt of all documents required be为e credit can be awarded.
  • 推荐信 这是弗吉尼亚理工大学申请的一部分.
  • 完成 applications will receive priority in the review process. It is critical to meet the deadlines 为 your application. 学校保留退学的权利, 不另行通知, any application that is 不 complete by the deadline.